Whimsical kids’ room wall décor

Interior · 3. June 2022

How would you describe the perfect kids’ room? According to the most popular kids’ bedroom designs, this room is supposed to be a beautiful and cosy place where your child feels comfortable, creative, and relaxed.

A bedroom should inspire your child's imagination and creativity with clever and dreamy kids’ room wall décor, in addition to having distinct spaces for relaxation, play, and studying. If you're stumped on how to decorate your kid’s room walls, know that you can use them as blank canvases for a fun and original design that reflects their personality.

We've gathered a selection of beautiful kids’ room wall décor ideas to assist you in creating the ideal bedroom wall décor. From helpful ideas on kids’ room wall painting or décor to a list of tools to help you along the way, we'll walk you through creating whimsical bedroom walls that your child will love.



bybinsie (Instagram)

How to decorate kids’ room walls?

We promised you some great kids’ room wall design ideas, but before we get started, let's have a look at the steps involved in the process.

  • Get ideas from your child's unique personality. Their favourite movies, games, or fairy tale characters, as well as their colour choices, can all serve as inspiration for how to decorate kids’ room walls.

  • Look at the space you're working with. Consider the room's size, the amount of natural light it gets, and all other practical details like the location of the bed or the homework station. These are significant aspects of the area that will influence the type of kids’ room wall décor you choose. For example, if your child loves dark tones but the room doesn't get enough light, instead of painting an accent wall, you can choose a light colour for the walls and incorporate wall artwork in his favourite palette.

  • Make it a fun project and allow your child to help with the kids’ room wall design. Decide on a theme together, pick a paint colour or wall décor that you both like, and encourage them to help with their bedroom design.



isabelask (Instagram)

Kids’ room wall design: Wall painting, wallpaper, or other?

The best way to design a creative kids’ room wall décor is to add texture and kid-friendly colours. Installing 3D wall panels that provide depth to any room is one way to do it. You can pick geometric panels and experiment with lighting - properly positioned lamps make a lovely effect that your child will enjoy.

Adding kids' room wallpaper or wall murals is an interesting way to bring colour splashes and cheerful patterns to your child's bedroom. You can choose those that will excite your child, such as one featuring Disney or Marvel characters that bring the fantasy worlds right into your child's bedroom!

On the other hand, if you're interested in designing a more personalised space, you could look into some creative ideas for painting your kid’s room. An accent wall might be just the way to go, especially when choosing your child's favourite shade that also emphasises the design of the furniture. To complete the look, you can display beautiful kids' room wall art, which will require a lot of cool hanging items.



nat_kowa (Instagram)



esramakine_ (Instagram)

Creative kids’ room wall art

Did we mention that the possibilities for creating fantastic kids’ room wall art are endless? Take, for example, those adorable and inventive collages. Get some frames and hang everything your child likes, from personal photos to nature shots and favourite characters. You may also hang some macramé wall hangers or any other DIY decorations that you and your child can work on together to give your kid’s room wall art a warmer vibe.

You could even throw in some wall artworks, such as cut-out decorations depicting cute animals or a world map for your little adventure seeker. Find inspiration in your child's hobbies and interests, and you'll be able to motivate them on a daily basis. Don't forget that you may always decorate your child's room with wall stickers. These are ideal next to their activity station, where you could also include a fun and educational wall chalkboard.


maisonbioclimatique (Instagram)


ourhomeonthelake (Instagram)

What kind of tools are needed for painting or panelling walls?

All our kids’ room wall décor ideas are meant to assist you in completing this quite enjoyable task, and we're confident that your child will like their new whimsical bedroom walls. However, if you're unsure where to begin or how to decorate kids’ room walls, we can offer some advice on the tools you'll need.

To ensure that everything fits perfectly in your décor, use a measuring tape. If you want to build a children's art wall, make sure you have the correct nails and a hammer to hang all of the ornaments. A stepladder is always useful, especially when reaching higher areas on the walls. Oh, and you'll need it, along with spray painting supplies, if you're not going for the traditional brush painting when you decide to paint the walls of your child's bedroom. Additionally, we recommend purchasing painter fleeces to protect your flooring while painting the walls.


aylinterior (Instagram)